Buy African Transkei Online
African Transkei Magician Mushrooms
The African Transkei Magic Mushroom are highly potent strain of magic mushroom known for producing an extremely noticeable body high, and fantastic visuals. AT originates from South Africa – our first records of them indicate that they were collected in 2002, in Transkei (the Wild Coast region of South Africa.) They were spotted directly growing above dung under the shade of trees. Buy African Transkei Online
Since that time, the strain has been unique and researched greatly. In arrival, they are known for their small orange, brown, white button caps and twisting gnarled stems. Unlike many psilocybe cubensis strains, the African Transkei have a veil that remains connected to the cap for a very long time, sometimes not even tearing meaning its remnants remain on the stem as well as the cap.
The high from the African Transkei is something out of this world. While not regarded as the most spiritually enlightening mushroom, the visuals produced from this strain constitute an absolute firework show: a impressive combination of tracers, lights, and regular patterns, moving and building on one another in a hypnotic composition, it truly has to be experienced to be appreciated. It is one of the most visually evocative highs you are ever likely to experience.
As far as dosage is concerned, as always, we recommend you proceed with caution – 1-1.5g should be enough to familiarize yourself with the potency of the strain, give you some of the visuals described above, and help prepare you for a more intense trip. A 3.5-4.5g dosage will almost certainly result in the greatest light show you’re ever going to witness.
African Transkei is considered a moderately potent
Note: Some experts believe the African Transkei is more than moderately potent.
3 Ways To Make Magic Mushrooms
The traditional old fashion way to consume magic mushrooms is to chew them very well and swallow them. The better you chews them the easier it’ll be for the stomach to break is down and the sooner the onset of the effects will take place. Feel free to drink your favorite beverage of choice to wash them down.
Shroom Smoothies/Juices
Furthermore, Blend magic mushrooms in a blender with your favorite fruits and vegetables to mask the taste of the shrooms. Give your favorite smoothie an extra kick and 1 up your day by adding a small dose of magic mushrooms. The body will absorb the liquid quicker than consumer whole magic mushrooms which will result in a quicker come on effect.
Shroom Teas
Bring water to a boil and add 1 gram of African Transkei magic mushrooms for each 1 cup of water. Continue boiling the magic mushrooms until they sink to the bottom which can take up to 30 minutes. To conclude , Drink the tea and eat the shrooms that sink to the bottom will bring you up very fast.
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